Powder Post Beetle

Morphologically, they have flat long and narrow bodies which they use to fit into the tiny holes they bore into wood.
The adults are capable of flying, though they seldom do so.
Size: 1/8 inches to 1/4 inches
Colour: Reddish-brown to black
Behaviour:They attack softwood timber, weakening it at points that have been bored. They feed on wood starch and also use the new dug holes as their homes and for raising their larvae.
They feed on the timber of deciduous trees plus a few species of hardwood. Bore round-shaped holes on the timber. Adults are active only at night.
Attacks both softwoods and hardwoods, and mostly the sapwood. The wood moisture content required for beetle development is 13-30%.
- Use wood preservatives.
- Cover up all infested parts by using paint or chemical wood preservatives.
- Use timber species that are naturally resistant to these beetles.
They bore holes on wooden products which can target a number of useful items in the home like frames of tools, furniture, flooring and structural items. They leave behind timber dust that emanates from the bored holes.
Varied Carpet Beetle

Carpet beetles belong to a family of beetles known as Dermestidae, which are mainly characterised by multicoloured coats.
They can be detected through the presence of the vividly coloured adults and brown pupal casings left behind by the larvae whenever they moult.
Size: 1/16” – 1/9” (2.0-3.8 mm)
Colour: Black centres, with white, brown and yellow patches
Behaviour: Their larvae feed on the fabric while the adults feed on nectar. They mainly target plant and animal fabric such as silk, wool, cotton and feather. Larvae are tan to brownish in colour, slow-moving, and densely covered with hairs or bristles. The developing larvae also leave behind shed (moulted) skins. As they graze along the surface of susceptible materials, they often leave threadbare spots and irregular holes. The pests can also proliferate on bird nests, animal carcasses, and dead insects (cluster flies, lady beetles, stink bugs, wasps, etc.), which tend to be associated with attics, chimneys, basements, and light fixtures. Unlike clothes moths, some varieties of carpet beetle will also infest seeds, cereals, pet food, and other plant-based materials.
They live indoors on fabric such as carpets, abandoned clothes, curtains and upholstery. Their presence can also be detected through the cumulative damage of a single portion of a garment.
- Remove promptly heaps of hair, dead insects and any other material that acts as food for the insects.
- Clean rugs, upholstery, carpets and curtains regularly where the beetles are likely to be residing.
- Regular vacuuming to remove eggs, larvae and adult beetles.
- Woollen and other susceptible items should be dry cleaned or laundered before being stored for long periods.
Destruction of fabrics and garments.
Occasionally they feed on stored food products like grains and fruits.